Save your kids

Kids in Walker County, Alabama are under attack and at risk.

Help them avoid substance abuse, anxiety, and other problems. 

Useful resources to raise healthy and happy kids.

By being proactive and using the FREE and easy-to-use resources below, you can help your kids thrive in the teenage years and protect them from harm as well.  These days, most teenagers will face temptations with alcohol and drugs, and many struggle with mental health issues, but you can help prevent those problems.

1. Get started now with some quick-and-easy one-minute videos and free material to take the next right steps to protect your kids and build a happy family.
Parenting Teenagers to Be Healthy and Happy

has easy-to-use resources to help you equip your teens to thrive and handle the risks and challenges they face

2. Pick an area in PACES for Parents that fits the needs of your family below and continue your journey to help your kids live happily and protect them from harm:

is an online toolkit with proven resources to help you equip your kids to live effectively and prevent substance abuse, anxiety, depression, and other problems. PACES for Parents is a life-changing methodology and a helpful community where parents don't have to be perfect, just take it a step at a time.

3. If you have interest or needs in the additional areas below, look at these easy-to-use resources and pick the one that will be most useful to your family situation:
Biblical Parenting to Help Disciple Your Kids

offers quick-and-simple resources to help you utilize Biblical principles to raise your kids both wisely and safely.

Parenting in a Crisis to Help Protect Your Kids

has practical tips and techniques for parents and care givers to keep teens and pre-teens safe even in a crisis.

Dealing with Anxiety and Living Life Better

provides practical steps for your kids (and you) to make good choices that will help you handle anxiety effectively.


High school kids
try addictive substances.


"We didn't think his problems were that serious."

experience addiction


"We didn't know what to do."

High school kids
try addictive substances.


"We should have done something sooner."

Here's a sample from
PACES for Parents


–  10 Mistakes Parents Make  

Are you actually promoting bad behavior without knowing it?

Parents want to raise their kids the right way. But many are hampered by some prevalent misconceptions of modern-day moms and dads. Which leads to mistakes parents make that actually promote, rather than discourage, negative behavior traits in their kids. This can increase the odds of teenagers later turning to drugs or alcohol to deal with their issues, because teenagers often use substances to help them address their wants and needs. By correcting these mistakes, parents help their kids develop positive behaviors which will protect them from substance abuse so they live a happier life.

"It's my job to make sure my kids are always happy."

If you give them whatever they want, you give them a sense of entitlement. This can lead to risk-taking and ignoring boundaries. Being a parent includes saying “NO” and teaching your kids to appreciate what they have.

"I want to control their lives so they don't make bad choices."

If you try to manage their lives for them, they won't learn how to do it themselves, which leads to worry. Give them opportunities to make mistakes to grow and mature naturally.

"If I ignore their issues, they will go away on their own."

If you don’t talk about what’s going on in their life, they'll have lack of self-awareness. Talk to your kids about challenges teenagers face and build a supporting environment where they can share their issues with you.



Being a parent is hard. At STEPS, we understand your worries, because we've been there, and we've worked with hundreds of parents who have been there, too. No matter what is going on in your family, you can protect your kids from addiction and help them lead a happier life.

Increased Awareness

Become more aware of where your teen is heading and the challenges they face.

Deepened Relationships

Strengthen your connection with your son or daughter and be there for them.

Equipped Teenagers

Educate your kids with skills to deal with life issues and situations they may face.


It's hard being a parent, but there's help for all of the parents in Walker County, Alabama


At STEPS, our vision is to reach every family with children in Walker County, Alabama and the surrounding area with addiction prevention training and support materials. These materials, called PACES for Parents, are online products with practical tools and techniques in videos, downloadable documents and worksheets. Use these tools to protect your kids from addictions and help them lead a happier life. With the unfortunate addiction issues in the U.S. and Walker County, we’re offering these resources for FREE to make a difference in the community.

PACES Prevents problems before they occur:

  • Preparation - Become proactive and prepared to protect your kids from substance abuse.
  • Awareness - Be aware of what your kids are going through and challenges they face.
  • Connection - Deepen and strengthen your relationship with your son or daughter.
  • Education - Equip your kids to deal with life issues and situations they will face.
  • Steps - Build a plan to help them become the man or woman they are meant to be.

We integrate emotional, spiritual, personal, and recovery principles into easy-to-understand steps. As you put these concepts into practice, your child will not only be safer, they will be happier as well!

Our material is based on proven, research-based principles. Parents are busy, so we’ve done the work for you. You can learn practical, how-to techniques at your own pace in the confidentiality of your own home. No matter what is going on in your family, you can protect your child from addiction and help them lead a happier life. So, join us, and become part of the Prevention Movement!


Meet Steve Ward

Creator of STEPS Proactive Parenting

Steve Ward specializes in helping people make positive changes in their life. He is the founder and Executive Director of STEPS Ministries, a nonprofit organization that helps people improve their lives, grow closer to God, and prevent addiction issues from robbing them of the peace, joy, and satisfaction in life. Their primary program is STEPS Proactive Parenting to help families.

Steve knows the effects of addiction too well. He was a functioning alcoholic for years. During recovery, he wrote a book called STEPS: A Daily Journey to a Better Life. He is also the father of a young man who struggled with addiction-related issues. His passion for protecting kids from substance abuse and related issues led to a decade of research on how to help other parents.

Steve is a writer, speaker, teacher, consultant, and coach in the areas of personal effectiveness, emotional well-being, spiritual growth, and the prevention of addiction and relapse. “If you or someone you care about is struggling, I know how you feel, and I want to help. The STEPS team and I are here to serve you and all who are hurting. We love helping parents help their kids.”


This short questionnaire can help you figure out if your child is struggling. It’ll just take a minute. Isn’t your child worth it?


Is your kid worth 90 seconds?